First Cycle Degree Course in Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques (L/SNT3)
Degree Programme Director:
Prof.ssa Splendiani Alessandra
Academic Didactic Council Director:
Learning objectives:
Graduates of the Degree Course in Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques are licensed health professionals with a good understanding of the technical and methodological features for performing, independently or in cooperation with other health professionals, always under medical prescription, diagnostic imaging procedures and radiation on biological materials or on the person (Conventional and Digital Radiology, Fluoroscopy, Digital Subtraction Angiography, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging), nuclear medicine (SPECT, PET, PET-CT) and radiotherapy (simulator, linear accelerator, etc.).
The Bachelor degree in Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques provides the students with the knowledge and skills enabling them to better understand the principal elements of biological and physiological phenomena, of anatomy and physiology applied to investigations of diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy, as well as elements of radiation physics. The course illustrates also the techniques of diagnostic imaging to be applied in various areas (including acute care, intensive care and surgery), radiotherapy techniques to be applied in various fields of pathology, knowledge of patient and staff protection methodologies.
The programme meets the requirements of European and National laws and Directives. Degree holders obtain the credentials for National Certification as “Radiology Technicians” and join the National Association of Radiology Technicians.
Professional Status
Graduates in Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques are authorized to carry out, independently or in collaboration with other health professionals, but always on medical prescription, all interventions that require the use of ionizing radiation, both natural and artificial, thermal energy, ultrasonic and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as measures for physical and dosimetry protection.
The graduates carry out their activities in:
Diagnostic imaging, radiation, health physics and nuclear medicine services working in hospitals and extra-hospital within the National Health Service structures and in similar private structures.
Industries, production and sale agencies operating in the field of diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy.
University and extra-University centers in the biomedical field.
University structures and national health service offices, dealing with medical diagnostic techniques.
Programme units (linked to course catalogue)
Enrolment modalities
Timetable of didactic activities
Didactic regulation
Teaching staff and programme unit contents
Didactic quality evaluation