Verzella Daniela
Phone: | +39 0862 433545 |
E-mail: | daniela.verzella(at) |
Address: | Via Vetoio (Coppito 2, Edificio “Angelo Camillo De Meis”), 67100 Coppito (AQ) |
Professional Position: | RTDA, Type A fixed-term researcher |
Academic Discipline: | MED/46 – Biotechnology and methods in laboratory medicine |
Research Activities: | Inflammation, immunity and cancer: The role of GADD45B in mediating NF-kB-dependent malignant cell survival in solid and hematological tumors. The therapeutic efficacy of a new GADD45B/MKK7 inhibitor across NF-kB/GADD45B-dependent solid and hematological tumors. The role of Gadd45b in mediating the NF-kB-dependent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive signaling in cancer. |
Degree course: | Applied Data Science [F4Y], second cycle degree Biotechnologies [B3B], first cycle degree Biomedical Laboratory techniques [D3L], first cycle degree |
Teaching courses: | - High Throughput Metabolomics [DT0361] - Metodologie biomolecolari [DM0061] modulo di High - Throughput Metabolomics [DT0361] - Metodologie biomolecolari [DM0061], module of Biomedical Laboratory techniques [B0266] - Metodologie avanzate nel laboratorio di emocoagulazione [D4275], module of Applied technical medical sciences [D0513] |
Student Office hours: | Every day, agreeing to an appointment via mail |