Master's Degree Program in Clinical, Applied and Intervention Psychology (LM-51)
Course of Study Information
Bachelor's degree program - Class LM-51- Duration 2 years
(active since A.Y. 2023-24)
President of the Degree Course: Prof. Daniela Tempesta
President of the Teaching Area Council (CAD): Prof. Giuseppe Curcio
The Educational Objectives of the Course
The Educational Objectives of the Course
The Master's Degree Course (CLM, Corso di Laurea Magistrale) in Clinical, Applied and Intervention Psychology aims to train a professional figure with a solid cultural base and high levels of applicative competences, who will be able to carry out roles, with functions of responsibility, in clinical and neuropsychological psychology, in contexts such as public and private health care companies, as well as organizations and institutions for personal care and assistance.
The CLM in Clinical, Applied and Intervention Psychology also provides the theoretical and methodological knowledge necessary to design and conduct research activities, including those in collaboration with other professionals, within the University and health and scientific institutions.
The cultural, theoretical and applied profile of the Master's Degree graduate in Clinical, Applied and Interventions Psychology is also suitable for access to higher levels of university and specialist training. The Master's Degree Course in Psychology - Class LM-51 qualifies for the professional practice of Psychologist (as defined on the Articles 1 and 3, Law N. 163, November 8, 2021).
The course of study
The objectives are achieved through advanced level training in the disciplines characterizing the LM-51 class (general psychology, psychobiology and physiological psychology, psychometrics, developmental psychology, clinical and dynamic psychology) that are complemented with knowledge and skills acquired in related and supplementary training activities in scientific fields not characterizing the LM-5 degree class, consistent with the proposed objectives.
In particular, there is an advanced level course that provides training based on different areas of learning, aimed at the acquisition of in-depth knowledge in the field of clinical and applied psychology in different contexts, in the methodological-statistical field and in that of the psychobiological bases of cognition and behavior.
The course provides a training divided into 3 different curricula (Clinical Psychology, Psychology of Deviance and Sexology, Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience) that share some fundamental and cross-cutting disciplines for the professionalizing training of the future psychologist.
The curriculum in Clinical Psychology is mainly characterized by cultural and methodological content of clinical psychology and applied to the study of mental disorders and psychopathological dysfunctions, addictions, psychosomatics, and group dynamic psychology.
The Deviance Psychology and Sexology curriculum, on the other hand, is mainly oriented toward the study of normal and pathological sexual behavior, deviance in its various aspects including criminal deviance, and typical and atypical developmental psychology.
Finally, the Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience curriculum is mainly characterized by cultural and methodological aspects related to the study of cognitive, emotional and developmental processes and states of consciousness, as well as research methodology and data analysis.
The training path includes some examinations to be chosen from the activities included in the University's educational offerings, in order to integrate, in accordance with the educational objectives of the Course of the Study, knowledge of advanced topics and specialized skills. In addition, the training course includes, in the Additional language skills, an advanced English language course (level B2), which completes the acquisition of communication skills specific to psychological sciences.
Practical activities
The educational objectives are enriched by the professionalizing educational activities of the Practical Apprenticeship (Tirocinio Pratico Valutativo, TPV) which is internal to the course of study.
The TPV takes the form of contextualized and supervised practical activities, involving direct observation and the performance of activities aimed at situated learning as well as the development of procedural and relational skills and competencies that are fundamental for the exercise of professional activity. These competencies refer to the typical and reserved acts, characterizing the profession of psychologist also in accordance with Article 1 of Law No. 56 of February 18, 1989, and include the use of cognitive and intervention tools for prevention, diagnosis, habilitation-rehabilitation, and support activities in the field of psychology addressed to the person, group, social bodies and communities as well as experimentation, research and teaching activities.
More information can be found on the page dedicated to internships:
Additional practical activities are planned for the conduct of the dissertation, may be carried out in a laboratory/experimental/application setting or focus on the construction of an original bibliographic research project.
Admission requirements
Admission to the Master's degree requires a solid background in all areas of psychology: the psychophysiological processes underlying behavior; general, cognitive and emotional psychology; social psychology; developmental psychology; the dynamics of human relationships; psychological survey methodologies; statistical and psychometric methods; and computer procedures for data processing.
The curricular requirements for enrollment in the Master's Degree Course in Clinical, Applied and Intervention Psychology are possession of a degree in one of the following classes: Class L-24 ex D.M. 270/2004, Class 34 ex D.M. 509/1999; or possession of a university degree obtained abroad, recognized as suitable according to current regulations and evaluated as congruent by the teaching council (Consiglio di Area Didattica, CAD).
In the absence, total or partial, of the recognition of the CFUs referred to in Article 2 para 6 of DIM 654/2022, three-year degree graduates will have to acquire the missing internship CFUs in addition to the 120 CFUs of the master's degree. Admissions to the Master's Degree Program is numerically scheduled and defined according to the University's programming. To this end, a ranking will be drawn up that will take into account the final degree grade, the arithmetic mean of the grades obtained at the Bachelor's Degree in examinations belonging to Psychological Scientific Disciplinary Sectors, and regularity of studies.
Study Abroad
The bilateral agreements signed between the the present course and other European universities guarantee the student the opportunity of completing, during the two-year period, an international psychology training with relative recognition of the training credits accrued abroad.
The following agreements with as many foreign universities are currently active:
- Haute École de la Province de Liège (Belgio)
- Universidad de Almeria (Spagna)
- Universidad de Oviedo (Spagna)
- Universidad de Huelva (Spagna)
- Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego W Warszawie (Polonia)
Postgraduate education (continue after graduation)
Acquisition of the degree allows access to higher levels of undergraduate and specialist training such as:
- Graduate schools in the area of psychology
- Master's degree (Level II)
- PhD courses
The occupational and professional outlets
Pursuant to Articles 1 and 3 of Law No. 163 of Nov. 8, 2021, and in accordance with DIM No. 654 of 05/07/2022, the final examination for the degree in Clinical, Applied and Intervention Psychology (class LM-51) qualifies the graduate to practice as a psychologist through the inclusion in the Section A of the Professional Register of Psychologists (Ordine degli Psicologi).
The graduate in Clinical, Applied and Intervention Psychology will be able to employ the knowledge and skills acquired in the course of training in public and private health care providers related to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental distress (National Health Service, hospitals and clinics, territorial services, counseling centers, therapeutic communities, addiction services, foster homes, communities for minors,
Prevention Departments, Public Health services, private third sector agencies such as cooperatives or voluntary associations), in organizations and institutions of care, rehabilitation and assistance to the public and private person. Additional professional outlets can be identified in educational-scholastic facilities, the University and other institutions for scientific research.
The Psychologist can also perform the profession and related functions as a freelancer and in the field of private consulting (including expert witnessing) and training, with particular reference to assessment processes in different contexts, identification and design of change strategies.