Second Cycle Degree Course in Health Professions of Technical Sciences (Diagnostic) (LM/SNT3)
Info about Course
Second Cycle Degree Course – 2 years – Class LM/SNT3
Degree Programme Director: Prof.ssa Alessandra Tessitore
Academic Didactic Council Director: Prof.ssa Cristina Petrucci
Learning objectives
The Master’s degree of Health Professions of Technical Sciences (Diagnostic) aims to provide an education that enables graduates to:
- Accept the basics of pre-clinical and clinical knowledges for the training of health personnel involved in the diagnostics: instrumental and no;
- Adopt, in health care facilities, the basic knowledge of biomedical sciences relevant to the specific professional figure, to take appropriate decisions on the organization and management of health services provided by personnel with technical health functions of medical area;
- Understand the ways of acting of health personnel in its global dimension: social and moral ethics;
- Train in the design and implementation of systems for the processing of scientific data, as well as their management and use in different application contexts;
- Adopt, for the organization of health services and for the management of human and technological resources available, the skills of business economics and company organization including cost / benefit ratio;
- Carefully check, in the health technician field, specific areas of health organization;
- Employ, in the organization of health services, methods and research tools;
- Plan and improve all activities aimed at increasing the resources (human, technological, information, financial) available to the health facilities;
- Plan and implement training programs for updating and continuing education afferent to reference health care;
- Increase, as part of the tutorial activities and the internship coordination in basic training, and lifelong, teaching skills for specific professional figure;
- Instruct on the legal aspects with regard to the regulatory, administrative and judicial skills, of Community institutions, so as to integrate own easily with foreign states and their educational systems.
1st YEAR - Aimed at providing the basic biomedical knowledge, diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy, statistics and epidemiology, applied medical techniques, principles of professional discipline such as requirements to address the first internship experience, for obtaining basic skills and the orientation of the student to the reference professional fields.
2nd YEAR - Looking to the deepening of the professional skills and specific knowledge relating to former curricula. In this period, many training experiences are provided in the contexts in which students can experience the knowledge, methodologies and techniques learned. This year has addressed deepening specialist with particular reference to the acquisition of knowledge and methodologies related professional practice, the ability to work in teams and in complex organizational contexts, as well as scientific research methodologies required as support of the final work.
Job opportunities
A newly graduated Master of Technical health professions acquires a cultural and vocational education advanced to intervene with high skills in care processes, management, training and research in one of the specific environments related to the various health professions in the class (technical-diagnostic area).
They will be able to find work in the planning and management of the health area staff, in the development of new methods of work organization, the technical coordination of the practical activity of the three-year degrees.
The acquired methodological knowledge allow to attend in the educational process and specific research activity.
They can also intervene in the management of Health facilities and in teaching (graduates may also pursue a higher education career, surpassing competitions existing under the laws, as well through assignment of teaching contracts for the personnel of the SSR).